They say that chicken breast is arguably the best protein from the animal kingdom and some argue that the egg is considered the "perfect" food. If this is the case then why are chickens so damn stupid? I have a theory to this.
Any food animal, or FA, that is remotely delicious is lacking in smarts and intelligence and therefore must, by rule, be consumed by higher intelligence. Ponder this: cows are stupid. This statement should be followed by, 'and that is why they are delicious'. This can be interchanged with various beasts, tame or wild, feral or domestic, it does not matter stupid is as stupid does and stupid is G-D delicious (or GDD aka GD squared or GD2).
So with the FA being GD2 let's explore some taboo animals, otherwise refered as T&A. Land creatures such as bears, large cats, wolves and rhinoceros', just to name a few, are not GD2 for the simple reason that they can eat you or kill you with ease. Sea creatures like sharks, whale, giant squid and deadly jelly fish also are not ever considered GD2 for the same reasons. With an exception of the Eskimo and whale, but you can come to your own conclusion to that. Also, animals that can eat you should not be eaten, period. That is just tempting a chain reaction of biblical catastrophes of catastrophe, so don't do it EVER.
So to summarize: FA = GDD, GD2 and GD squared as to where T&A consumption should NEVER be tolerated or committed, unless you like to tempt the beast, then okay ... I'm not stopping you, just mind your FAT&A P's and Q's.